
The course of Men

In our daily living, we strive to be better than the person we are now and in this, we become better with each passing day. This is more rampant if you believe in the God who created the heavens and the earth. This is the God who makes all things beautiful in his time, the God who heals and heals again, the God who makes things come out of nowhere. He worked in our past and he is bettering our tomorrow. The God that no words can compare. I call him Jehovah, the everlasting father, Prince of peace, the alpha and omega.



Maximum Experience 2016

This great thinking doesn`t stop and I even don`t wish it stops. I just don`t know why  but all I know is... JESUS is LORD.

Asaggian: Asaggian`s thought 2017

Asaggian: Asaggian`s thought 2017